

I have this problem chronically, there are few reasons, I guess.

  • too much stomach acid, it hurts membrane of stomach
  • IBS: irritable bowel syndrome
  • eating and drinking excessively
  • eating spicy stuff
  • get stomach cold when I sleep

Well, once I got problem, it takes quite some time to recover, or even my normal condition (daily condition when I consider that's normal for me) is not great.
Problem comes with frequent pain. Thus, what I should do is to control the amount of intake, or don't eat anything until my stomach get good condition.

These weeks has quite worst condition in 3 month probably, and today is worst of worse. so I decided not to go out , and think about my health again. Perhaps, I should keep note for daily condition so that I can find out when and how I get problem accurately, which I used to do that..

If I keep this problem, it will be fatal disease, so really, need to look at it to prevent.. I think I was not serious enough when I was in age of 20s, so that is now reward of my reckless habit before. Everyone, need to take care for those problem sincerely...

In another day,
I thought my condition is getting better this week, but anytime it will be worse, easily. I dont' really know the exact cause of this, I took quite later lunch today, is that reason? it is maybe not, I had some chocolates around lunch time, so prevented excessive stomach acid and gastric pain at least, then went for lunch around 2:30 PM. Okay, I took half boiled eggs, could it be? but I was still fine till I finish work and left office. I was planning to have cold Korean style noodle in food court in Sim Lim Square, as I felt I don't want to eat anything except that. But then I had to change plan as friend of min called and we decided go for drink later. So I had seafood rice instead of cold noodle.
Because i ate something i was not expecting, my body refused to absorb but drained out.. that's something like that. anyway, feeling very tired. I really don't like my constitution. what is wrong is my stomach is too sensitive?

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