
how to make blog fun?

I read some of my favorite blog(maybe not very like it but it becomes my routine).
But most of them are blog written by Japanese, and those blogs seems quite popular among readers(Japanese).

What I would like to say is that  I'm not very familiar with blog outside Japanese area, what kind of blog is popular/common and who are the reader, regular readers.

Culture and sense is very critical when we talk about blogger/reader, blogger must write something to attract readers. In order to do so, bloggers must know what type of sense, contents and humor is fun for reader. E.g Japanese know how Japanese enjoy the sense and humor. So far i only know Japanese, so perhaps I need to read more blog outside Japan. Anyway...

**new writing from here***

I tried to make it consistent in this blog, so the post should be written in Japanese, otherwise it will be confused.. Only few post are still in English, for instance, when I publish it by mobile phone, because indeed typing in English is easier than Japanese in mobile phone...

Perhaps I need to re-check how blog is working in terms of location and language, because my registered country of my account is Singapore, but targeting Japanese reader regardless of their location. I am afraid that system mechanism is working to target people where I have registered myself, which is Singapore now.

I believe there are 2 types of blog or purpose for people to read,

  • interest to see what author is doing, and their life, E.g. diary
  • go gain information to do something, E.g. how to do Android coding
I may not agree to call second one blog, but it could be web site for knowledge, or how to web site kind. 

Anyway, I may write this blog based on my daily life, but try to get it to be something informative too, hopefully..


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