
Cheque Book

I went to bank to issue check book, as it is required when we get ballot number for purchasing condominium, however I don't really understand why they need it.

According to developer side, cheque(well, check in American English) will be collected to know the interest of buyer and number of buyers. I still don't get it why it is check, and blank cheque..

Because I don't really like this security, cheque is equivalent money, whoever get this can claim the amount (well, for blank cheque, payee just can write any amount), and bank will not confirm as long as it is filled with payee, amount and signature. well, it is not difficult to copy sign once it was seen..

I think cheque is obsolete way from old days when computer system is not so developed, but somehow its way is still remained. That's why I haven't had cheque, but this time it's is inevitable..

Yeah, lots of things to do(not really), preparing for ballot, making plan for trip, and something.
I will go for a dinner with somebody female this week. I wish we attract each other but it is quite not certain.

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