
Friend moving house

Helped friend move house today. Yes, she moved, but actually her new location is still in same condominium, so it was just to change the unit number.. 
It may be common in Singapore, because tenants is easily asked to leave by owner with owner's convenience.. I really don't like this environment, which is good advantage for property owner.

The room fee seems 1300 SGD per month, it is nearly double of mine.. I'm not sure this gap is significant to save money or get better quality of life? Well, saving 500, or 600 SGD may not be so greatly efficient but I don't really concern quality of room and facility. So currently choosing the cost effectiveness.. Maybe I would be uncomfortable if I pay such high amount...

Anyway,, there will be Condominium launching next week, to choose the unit. I really need right decision to purchase the room as this is biggest shopping in my life.. (and property is still expensive in Singapore)..I don't mind buying unit even though it's high price, as long as property price go up or keep original price at least..Of course no one can know it in future, especially contingent economy crash, or any kind of crisis which impact market and property price to plunge.

Well, today I managed to come back home early, so have some time to do anything I need to do. But critical thing is only to decide whether I go for purchasing next week, it's very hard to find out which is best, go or no go as I stated in previous blog.
What I doubt is that there could be better chance to buy flat with more reasonable price though this time price is lowest ever after bounce back from economy crisis...
Because in this world there are so much factor, which impact market and occur plunge of it. It is easy to wager unstable situation rather than stable one as everything is unpredictable. Even right now, economy may suffer from Greek crisis or China stock market plunging, thus so many possibilities may crash market in near future.
Yeah, I really do not know what is best.
Recently, I really feel that it is quite difficult and hassle to find partner here, because girls and myself, our expectation has far gap. In such a case, I seamlessly need to extend my view to neighborhood countries to explore, but going there each by short trips like few days annual leave is not enough, so I need to stay there some period. It may be good idea to go around if I lose job(which is quite high chance), however, it may be difficult if I have purchase condominium with debt, as I need to work to earn here to pay out.

Humm, time is coming..

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