
Christmas Eve

Today is 24th December, this date is familiar to even non christian.
I am writing this in English because typing by mobile phone.
It would be pretty slow if I type japanese from mobile phone, that's why it is, anyway..
I am waiting for time to leave office, it is not confirmed even yet, though official working hour today is 3 pm instead of 6 pm.
But it may not applicable to our department, decision is up to the management, humm.
Everyone here is in holiday mood, so there won't be much work.
Surely, tomorrow's work is even lesser.
Since the company I am working is going to be shutdown for Asia branch, I try to find way to earn living cost without employeed next time as I am too tired to find new job.
So I'm finding the way of monetizeing, I think this current trend right now especially these years, concept is that everything you do is valuable and convertible to money...
The examples are blogging with advertisment, Android application published with advertisment. Those used to be categorized as hobby for individual but now it may have chance to have small profit.
Nevertheless, it would be very far add difficult to make even 100$ per month by blog as it must be one of most popular site to have huge page views.
To be honest,  I don't think mine could be one because nothing fun is here in terms of contents.
So I may need find other way, such as investment...

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